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Fifth Challenge Announced!

Timeless Classics
Vintage dresses are made up of clean lines, darts, pleats, buttons, and feminine shapes.
But most importantly, they are about a great fit!

6 Seamstresses will compete in this challenge.
You will have 2 weeks to complete this challenge.

Challenge: Sewing a garment from a vintage pattern is challenging. The pintucks, pleats, and precise fit can be difficult to master. Choose a vintage pattern and modernize the piece. You can modernixe your piece with styling, embellishment, or fabric. 
You will be judge on difficulty, craftsmanship, how fashion forward your look is, and FIT!
Take your time, you will have two weeks to make it perfect!
The winner will receive a Silk Bundle (6 yards). 


  1. I think that this is the most difficult challenge so far. Warning: Opinion Ahead. I think that most of the garments made from vintage patterns (e.g., 1940s, 1950s) that I've seen on the Internet look like costumes. I say on the Internet because I don't know anyone IRL who dresses this way. Making it fashion forward is one of the criteria of the judging? I guess I don't quite appreciate the point of this challenge. But I will stay tuned, and I wish all the contestants well.

    1. Thanks for your response, Sandra. We appreciate your opinion. I would agree the challenge has some challenging parts to it, but I'm confident our contestants can do it! Stay tuned to see what they have created. I know I've really been inspired.

  2. Absolutely love these challenges! I am looking forward to seeing the criteria needed to enter the next one!


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