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Made by a Fabricista: The Little Black & White Mix Print Dress

[This dress was made for and modeled by my daughter Mori]

Heeeeeyyy Ya'll! I'm back and Spring is in the air! Boy do I have a Black & White treat for you. So just as many of you are, I am a fabric hoarder and blogging for Fabric Mart does not help my habit. I am shopping all the time, I mean all the time and of course when the new fabrics are posted, I am there for those special moments. I feel bad when I'm ready to post and the fabrics I have used are almost always sold out and so this post will be no different. The main prints that I used are all gone and they just had a huge knit sale so some of the other options I picked are gone as well but I managed to locate a few prints. If you're not into mixing prints, you won't have a problem finding a single print or a solid knit fabric for this dress.
[These are my three main print. Prints 1 & 2 were Fabric Mart Prints]
[Here are some interesting prints that would work if you wanted to mix it up: #1 #2  #3  #4  #5]

So lets talk about this dress! I love Cynthia Rowley patterns with Simplicity. They are always a little edgy and I like that because bold print fabrics work well with edgy. I have had this pattern in my stash for a while so it was nice to finally use it.

Pattern Review:  Simplicity 1802
Did it look like the picture on the pattern envelope? Yes
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes
What did you like about the pattern? I loved all the piping in this dress and the sleeves.

What did you dislike about the pattern? I did not like inserting a invisible side zipper over bulk and piping...arrggghhh!!! I may not add the lining my next go around, yes it looks all pretty inside but I would like to eliminate the issues I had with the bulk near the zipper.

Fabric Used: Cotton/Rayon/Lycra Jersey Knit. Make sure the fabric that you are using where the zipper will be inserted is not too thick. The dress top has a lining and the fabrics I used were not thick at all but with all of the pieces together and then inserting an invisible zipper, it was a little trying. Did you notice I ended up talking about that invisible zipper again????

Pattern alterations or any changes you made: None but I did use bias tape on the hem of the dress.
Would you sew it again? Yes, I want to make a solid black version, so that Mori can have a little black dress in her closet.

Would you recommend it to others? Yes

Conclusion: This is a perfect dress to mix up prints and it has a very flattering silhouette for all different shapes.


Well there you have it folks another mixed and matched up creation by Moi. Maybe this ain't your cup of tea so I'd say, just envision the dress in a fabric of your choosing because it is a stunning dress.

Stop by to check out the Moto Jacket below that I made with my left-over Fabric Mart fabric from the jumpsuit in my prior post.
I'll see ya next month, same place and same time! Michelle Thatblackchic 


  1. I like your creativity on print usage.

  2. Michelle, I'm in LOVE with this dress! When I saw what pattern it was I jumped...I HAVE IT! Let me just say, I LOVE your eye for marrying fabric, prints, and patterns/styles together. Your taste is so awesome! And, you literally put the cherry on top with those red shoes (and earrings). Ma'am, this is my cup of tea with a hot buttered honey biscuit on the side, LOL!!! I don't know how you do it, but you out do yourself EVERY SINGLE TIME! So here, HIGH FIVE AND TWO THUMBS UP!!!

    1. Gurrrrrllll, you made my day!! Thanks and save some biscuits for me!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! I love all the style lines on that dress that make for such a great print mixing combination. Great work and so inspiring!

  4. Beautiful, Mori would make anything look beautiful 😍😍

    1. Thanks ya'll going to have Mori thinking she cute....oh but wait she is! LOL! Thank you.

  5. You can never go wrong with black n white prints! I love how you mixed and matched them in this dress...simply stunning!

    1. Thanks Carolyn, when I get to mixing I love to work with black and white.

  6. I love love love this dress and Ms. Mori is rockin it as usual.

  7. Too bad this pattern is out of print...I want it now! Fun way to mix bold prints!

    1. I found this pattern on eBay.....Check them out.

    2. Mary Beth, I hadn't realized it was OOP! Thanks!

  8. You are so creative! This is such a fantastic dress. Beautiful and fun at the same time. Great work!

  9. I want this pattern! Oh my gosh girl, you out do yourself every time. Your daughter has one heck of a wardrobe. A fashionista for sure!

  10. Love this! Great use of black white fabrics. Perfect combinations! I am sure your daughter is loving this dress!


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