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Made by a Fabricista: Lockdown Loungewear

When I originally ordered these two pieces of fabric, I really had Spring dresses in mind.  We had just begun our sheltering in place, and I optimistically thought that our lockdown would be done by the time I wrote this post.  Here in Illinois, we are still in lockdown until at least the end of this month, and our cases of Covid 19 are still rising, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is extended.  So, the idea of Spring dresses went out the window, and in came a cheery pajama and robe set!  After all, I am spending much more time in my pajamas than usual, so they might as well be extra nice!

For the pajamas, I used a rayon challis in a lattice print that was in the New York Designer section.  It is still available here.  For the pattern, I used McCall's 7696 which is a two piece pajama set with various sleeve options.  I chose the plain sleeve option and the longer length. 

I have to say- these are just really comfy.  If you are wondering how I got the diagonal lines to line up on the front, so am I.  I have no idea how to line up a diagonal print- LOL!  I wasn't really worried about it because very few people will see these in person, but I got pretty close just by coincidence!  The coral peach Milly buttons are a perfect match.

For the robe, I used a striped cotton, that is sold out now, but it is really interesting- it has almost a lightweight blanket feel.  I made it into my favorite robe pattern- Kwik Sew 3644.

I've made this pattern several times now, and just love how it incorporates piping trim.  I used a red gingham mini piping to accent the shawl collar, pockets and sleeve band.

Inserting piping isn't hard at all.  Here you can see it in process, using a zipper foot to attach it to the front. 

And here it is again on the pocket and sleeve cuffs.  I like that the pockets are also sewn into the side seams for extra stability.  I cut the front facing, sleeves and pockets so that the stripes would be horizontal, and then the pocket top and sleeve band so that the stripes would be vertical. 

I'm really happy with my new loungewear.  It was easy to sew and will get a lot of use!  If you are still in lockdown mode, what are you wearing these days?

Until next time, stay safe and healthy!


  1. Both garments are beautiful! You did a great job!

  2. I am usually wearing going out casual clothes during the day, as if I would be going out. To make that mental change between activities, I learned during many years working from home that clothes make a difference. If I anticipate cleaning that day, they are clothes I can clean in, or I plan to change them, and the same with gardening. If it’s raining so I will be inside, I won’t be doing anything strenuous, I wear nicer clothes, as most of my wardrobe is made by me, I enjoy wearing it, even with stay-at-home policies in effect.

  3. Oh, and too bad that cotton is gone, it’s marvelous!

    1. Yes, it was a very unusual fabric. I hope to see more colorways of it in the future.

  4. What a cool, cheerful set! I love this lighter cotton robe. It's nice to have some warmer weather pjs that still give you that cozy feeling! I have some wild printed cat fabric (totally not a cat person, but the print is too fun) I've been wanting to make some Carolyn pjs out of--I think they will fill the same wardrobe hole!


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