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Made By A Fabricista: Wang Inspired

I was excited to try the new fabrics from Alexander Wang.  For this post all fabrics were from the designer.  From a design standpoint I am a big fan of Wang’s utilitarian design style which really matches my own personal design aesthetic.

I felt it only right to use the fabrics and create something with a play on the designer and I believe I achieved it!

For my first look I used this blue twill and pinstripe stripe fabric to make my look.  Once my fabrics came in, I sketched out my look on my tablet.  For me sometimes I don’t really know what a fabric is going to become until I can feel its hand.

These fabrics were amazing.  They were the perfect weight and felt of good quality. I decided to create a button-down dress with slight flare and a covered placket.  I then wanted a wrap vest to go around the button-down to help give it more of that Wang aesthetic.

To make my button down I hacked the free pattern download from Mood.  I did quite a few hacks to the pattern to make my look to the point it was merely just a sloper to make my design.

I added 2” to the length to accommodate my height. I converted my front placket into a hidden placket.  I love hidden plackets and I feel like it adds a sleekness to a traditional button up.  My favorite part of a hidden placket is making the folds.  A great resource to draft one is an article that is on which is what I always reference.

On the original pattern the sleeves are short, so I lengthen my sleeves and added my extended flare cuff like I have on my sketch.  The original pattern also only has a mandarin collar style, so I drafted a pointed collar to add to my design. Also, instead of doing gathers on the back at the yoke I created a pleat which looks a lot more tailored in my opinion. The fit is great, and I love the fabric I chose for the button-up.

To complete the look, I then drafted this wrap vest.  I’ve found some similar inspiration on Pinterest then added it to my sketch.  May favorite detail is the accordion pocket with the flap.  I was also considering adding a removable waist bag to add to the ties that wrap around.  The weight of the twill is very nice. It’s sturdy but still has some slight stretch to it and is very soft.

For my second look I had this beautiful rib knit that had such a good weight and stretch retention. I decided to make a set.

In the middle of my cutting, I made a huge mistake and cut out two fronts instead of the other back view.  I was SEW upset!  I am still planning on how to correct the error but in the meantime, I made the top only.

There is this very trendy wrap top style that I have seen online and wanted to recreate for myself.  I bought one at retail, but it did not provide as much coverage as I would like.  This vintage Simplicity 5555 pattern was perfect to use as its literally the same pattern shape as the original.  This pattern gives you lots of options to wear different ways.  Since I couldn’t complete my pants, I styled it with my favorite pair of jeans instead. 

The quality of the Alexander Wang material is unmatched.  I love the looks I created with all my material. 

JASMINE  @sewmuchjazz

Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following categories: ALEXANDER WANG, TWILL, SHIRTING, & KNITS.


  1. You've got great style! I love the layering and ties. Adds so much interest and texture. Keep doing what you're's working!

  2. AWESOME creations Jasmine ... FIESTA :)

  3. Beautiful Fabric and Beautiful sewing!

  4. Gloria R Mushonga-RobertsAugust 3, 2022 at 12:00 PM

    WOW! Inspiring!

  5. I love your creative flair! Thanks for sharing your process. Very inspiring :-D

  6. Amazing use of these fabrics! I can totally see your inspo and LOVE how your pieces turned out! I have been eyeing that pattern from Mood for a while and seeing your result convinced me to download it!

  7. I love your interpretation of the design esthetic! I, too, look for vintage patterns to sew my own way and as fun and green solution!

  8. Great post with garments that will go the distance. I made the halter in 1975 with my mom's help for my high school graduation trip. It may still be in our attic! fun to see it again.

  9. Your asymmetrical vest would be great in a faux leather for all things Fall and Winter. I am a fan.

    1. Thank you so much! It is now actually a new pattern I have launched!

  10. Just, WOW! Thank you for the morning inspiration with my coffee! So great to see someone doing what I want to learn to do! I’m no where near your league, still struggling with professionally made patterns and instructions with ongoing class support, but I can’t wait to be able to look at something the way you do!
    We live in an area where I pretty much have to but fabric online if I want to to be nicer, so I never know what I’m getting until it gets here. I appreciate what you said about the “hand” I buy fabric with a pattern in mind, but I know after I get it if it’s actually a good fit. Nothing worse than choosing the wrong thickness or drape… you are dead in the water despite all your efforts!!!
    Thank you! You look great in all your outfits, and I love your style?

  11. Keep up the good work and keep sewing!! (Happy Sewing)!!

  12. What sketch program are you using on your iPad? I would love to have it!


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