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Made by a Fabricista: My Ditsy Daisy Button Up

I wasn't sure if I should have entitled this post "My J. Crew Knock-off" since I drew heavily from the idea of this adorable J. Crew button up in a daisy Liberty of London print.  When I spotted this very similar shirting fabric from Fabric Mart I knew I needed a daisy button up of my own!          

Classic button ups are one of my favorite go-to-work items since I can roll the sleeves down if the A/C is frigid indoors and roll them up when I am out in the field.  For the pattern I used McCalls 6436 which is a classic button up with almost every imaginable pattern piece for a traditional button up with the exception of the sleeve placket and back yoke.  That is to say, there is a lot of cutting out of pattern pieces in this process.  The pattern also includes bust darts and back darts which give it a bit more shaping than other button up's I've sewn.  

This is my "I push my sleeves up like a J. Crew model" pose!

I knew I would want to roll up the sleeves of this top and wanted the seam finishes to look decent so I used this method.  This finish encapsulates the raw edges in each respective seam allowance.  I've used this method before and am partial to it.  I know how to do hong kong seams, flat felled, serged and french seams but I just prefer this method- mostly because there is less fiddly cutting away of tiny strips of fabric which clutters my floor and is tedious.  

When making this shirt I wasn't entirely sure what work clothes it would coordinate with so when it was complete I had fun pairing it up with this skirt.  This has been an orphan skirt in my closet for a while so I am glad its finally found its mate!  It also pairs well with a pair of persimmon slacks.  The little centers of each flower have a shade of pink that is somewhere between pink and red.....persimmon!

If you are interested in making your own button up I recommend the sew-along tutorials from Grainline Studio for the Archer button up.  Most of the techniques you need are covered there and can help you when you are trying to decipher the process.    

As far as patterns there are so many button up patterns that it can be hard to choose.  So here are a few suggestions:
Grainline Archer- a looser fitting button up
Butterick 5526- I've made this one previously and had a good outcome
McCall 6124- nice princess seams on this one
Simplicity 1538- I like the contrasting fabric suggestions on this one
Sewaholic Granville- this was a "Best Pattern of the Year" at Pattern Review


I draw a measure of satisfaction from making a knock off item with my own two hands.  The creative process of making a garment has almost completely eclipsed the satisfaction I once felt when buying a similar item at a store.  Its this feeling that brings me back to my cutting and sewing tables again and again.

Thanks for reading, and happy sewing!


  1. This shirt is super cute and your execution is right on point! Ain't no homemade looking shirts over here!

    1. Thanks Michelle, you make me smile! Oh the dreaded homemade shirt, I sure hope I am past that point in my sewing!

  2. This shirt is super cute and your execution is right on point! Ain't no homemade looking shirts over here!

  3. The "scrunched" sleeves of the J. Crew model. LOL. :'-) So true.

    You look beautiful, what a great classic shirt to last a long long time!

    1. Thanks for your sweet words Dina! I just couldn't help myself with the J. Crew sleeves, it always cracks me up!

  4. Nice shirt and looks great with your "orphaned" skirt. Looks like it would work for casual and work very well.

    1. Thank you Linda! Its always great when one project redeems another!


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