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Winner of Week 2 + Week 3 Challenge

And the winner of week 2 challenge is....

LaTonya!! Congratulations on being the winner of the Trench Coat Challenge! The judges were VERY impressed with everyone's coats and we had a tough time judging. Wouldn't it be so much easier to make everyone a winner?? Again, congrats to LaTonya! You made it to the next round and are the winner of Palmer/Pletsch prize pack: a package of Palmer/Pletsch PerfectFuse Sheer fusible interfacing and the Palmer/Pletsch PerfectFuse DVD. All courtesy of Palmer/Pletsch.

Unfortunately, Melanie had the lowest score and did not make it on to the next round. Thank you so much for participating and keep up the great work!

The winner in the reader participation contest is Helen M. She made a lovely trench using a printed fabric (unknown content.) You win the pattern pack and rotary cutter! 


Week 3 Challenge:
"Show Some Love" 3-piece Coordinate Collection
We all have something in our closet that we bought or made, love it, but have nothing to wear with it, right?! It's always a shame when you spend the money or take the time to make something and it sits in your closet. Now's the time to get it out of your closet and make it work! We're calling this the "Show Some Love" challenge because it's time to show some love to that lost piece! 

This week's challenge may be a little deceiving since it is called the "3-piece" Coordinate Collection. You actually only need to make two garments this time around! The third piece is the item from your closet that you don't wear -- showing it some love! The two garments you choose to make must coordinate with the love-needed garment, but the two handmade garments do not need to coordinate with eachother. (They can though if you want them to. --No bonus points for having them coordinate.) 

Share a photo of the "love needed" garment and photos of them coordinating together.  Also there is a limit to the amount of photos you share up to 8 total. They can be collaged to actually share more than 8, but please send only 8! You should also still include a few detailed photos of anything you want us to see.

We will be judging on a 1-10 scale (10 being the highest) using the following criteria: 

Coordinate Wearability - Does each garment coordinate with the "need some love" garment? Do they help make it great for you and your wardrobe?

Fit – Do the two new garments proportionately fit you? No pulling in common fit-issue areas such as crotch, bust, shoulders, etc?

Craftsmanship - Did you put a lot of care into the construction? Top-stitching straight, seams match, careful overall construction, etc? The hemline is straight? The garments do not look messy or rushed?

Presentation - While we totally understand not everyone has a professional camera and the perfect backdrop for photographing their creations, (Me included!!) you are in front of a world of other sewers. Make yourself look presentable. Submit a photo of the front, back and side view of the garment. Detail photos are also requested so we can be better judges. So if you do some embellishing or a specific technique, zoom in and share with us! Not all the photos may be used in the blog post, but for judges reference.

Judges: This week's judges are Penny Payne, Fabric & Notions Editor for the McCall Pattern Company and Gillian Conahan, Editor-in Chief for Vogue Patterns Magazine.

PENNY PAYNE is the Fabric & Notions Editor for the McCall Pattern Company, with primary responsibility for all Fabric/Notion/Trimming/Interfacing products as utilized by the company’s core brands – McCall’s, Butterick, Vogue Patterns and Kwik Sew, plus Vogue Patterns Magazine. Additionally, she researches and develops the twice yearly Color & Fabric Trend Presentation shared with McCall’s global partners with a special focus on photographing inspirational fabric details and color from Designer Collections, Textile Shows and Museum Exhibits.

Gillian Conahan is the Editor in Chief of Vogue Patterns magazine, dedicated to fashionable sewing, creative inspiration, and quality techniques. She has been sewing since she was six or seven years old, and divides her personal sewing time about equally between fashion and costumes. Her cosplay sewing book, The Hero’s Closet, is forthcoming from Abrams in spring 2017.

Due Date: All photos, text, etc is due on Tuesday, September 27th. The finished projects will be revealed for reader voting Sept 28-29 and the winner will be announced on Friday, September 30th.

Attention readers! Don't forget to vote for your favorite piece! A link for voting will be provided on reveal day.

This week's prize is a 15 yard Fabric Bundle including some of the most gorgeous fabrics we have around right now!! It includes: 2.5 yds natural linen, 1.75 yards raspberry silk charmeuse, 1.5 yards blue linen, 2.5 yards purple herrinbone wool coating, 1.5 yards blue silk dupioni, 2.5 yards floral silk charmeuse and 3 yards red wool interlock knit. You will also receive 3 patterns of your choice courtesy of McCall Pattern Company. 

Reader Participation: 
This week's challenge for reader's is almost the same thing as the contestants! Post a photo of the your "Need Some Love" garment and ONE other garment that gives some love to the other piece on Facebook or Instagram using #FabricistaFabricMart by Sept 29. One winner will be chosen to win the prize pack shown below, including Kwik-Sew Patterns and notions.

Let's get started!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS LaTonya! Your coat is spectacular! So sad to see Melanie go.

    This should be a fun challenge and I think I'll sew along!

  2. Congrats LaTonya! You did a great job girl! So did all the others! Excited to see the next challenge and I'll be sewing along too!

  3. It's definitely sad to see Melanie go. Her trench coat was very beautiful.

  4. Congratulations LaTonya! I loved your coat. So sorry Melanie is leaving- she's so inspiring! For the rest of you, good luck in the next round- I can't wait to see what you make!

  5. Beautiful coat LaTonya! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you and the other participants do with the next challenge!

  6. Congrats Latonya. Yayyyyy for you. Soooooo sorry to see Melanie go. Your coat was beautiful.

  7. Congrats LaTonya, the jacket is lovely!

  8. LaTonya, your red trench coat is gorgeous! Congratulations on the win!

  9. I think Melanie's trench coat was perfect. I have both old (30 yrs +) and recent outwear in denim (RTW as well as designer samples) and for the style and material (Denim, w/o toxic fusibles or stiff interfacing) - I found them to behave the same way.


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