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Made By A Fabricista: Spring Knits Capsule Collection

Spring is in the air! It's also in the colors, patterns, and fabrics at Fabric Mart right now! Have you seen some of the beautiful knit fabrics they've had lately, plus all of those amazing sales? After browsing a particularly great knit fabric sale one afternoon, I set out to create a mini spring capsule wardrobe. 

For only $50 and 8 yards of knit fabric; I made 4 different items that I can wear over and over again. These 4 items; a dress, culottes, a half-circle skirt, and a top; all work together in various ways, to form a mini spring capsule wardrobe. Pair these pieces with other wardrobe staples like a handmade denim jacket, your favorite white t-shirt, and some cute shoes, and you'll never run out of fun handmade options to wear for spring. 

So let's talk about my fabric choices. As I mentioned, I picked 8 yards of jersey knit fabric. The first 3 yards, were a beautiful watercolor floral-print jersey knit with pink, grey, and white tones. To coordinate with the watercolor floral-print fabric, I ordered 2 yards of a solid french rose jersey knit. The final 3 yards were a blue and white paisley floral print jersey knit fabric which reminded me of my grandmother. She loved paisley, florals, blue and white, and Easter, so I knew I wanted to make a spring dress for Easter in honor of her. 

The first thing I decided to make was a pair of culottes from the watercolor floral print jersey knit. After hearing amazing things about the Rebecca Page Culottes pattern, I wanted to make a pair for myself! This Culottes pattern was not only quick to make but also, these culottes are now the most comfortable pair of pants in my closet! And they have pockets, who doesn't love comfort and pockets? 

In the photos, I wore my culottes with a solid t-shirt, and a handmade denim jacket. I also tried on my matching Knot Your Average Top with the culottes for a jumpsuit-inspired look. I'm really not a jumpsuit girl (some people love jumpsuits) but I was pleasantly surprised with how well these two patterns went together! I may become a jumpsuit-loving girl after all! 

Next, I made a 5oo4 Knot Your Average Top with the leftover watercolor floral jersey knit fabric. I have been wanting to make a Knot Your Average Top for a while, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I love the knot design in this pattern because it adds something extra to a simple t-shirt. Plus, it was really fun to make because the knot construction process is not overly complicated but yields such lovely results. 

This Knot Your Average Top, is so versatile, making it perfect for a spring capsule wardrobe. Pair it with jeans, dress pants, a skirt, even matching culottes, and you'll be amazed at how versatile it is! In my photos, I wore it with my half-circle skirt. I am planning to wear this shirt with jeans a lot, even though I didn't photograph that look. 

Next, I made a half-circle skirt out of the solid french rose jersey knit. I wanted a skirt in this fabric because I knew I could pair it with so many other items in my wardrobe. The half-circle skirt was drafted based on my waist measurements and desired length. I drafted the waistband by using my waist measurement with an extra inch added in for seam allowance by a width of 4 inches. I also added 3/4 inch wide elastic into the waistband so that the skirt would sit comfortably at my natural waist. I finished the skirt with a 1/4 inch rolled hem. 

In the photos of this skirt, you'll notice that I paired it with a light beige t-shirt and my handmade denim jacket. As noted above, I also paired my Knot Your Average Top with my half-circle skirt. 

Finally, I made an Easter dress out of my grandma-inspired blue and white floral paisley fabric. I used the Rebecca Page Paris Day Dress pattern and opted for a maxi-length dress with 4 fun-to-wear tiers, a scoop neckline, and 3/4 length sleeves. I didn't make any changes to the pattern because I've made a few Paris Day Dresses before and loved them! I am super happy with how this dress turned out and can't wait to wear it on Easter, throughout the rest of spring, and into summer and fall.

This blue and white floral paisley dress is just so wearable on its own! No need to add anything extra to it! To elevate it just a touch for more formal occasions, add a contrasting colored waist belt and some fun shoes like my pink platform wedges. To make it more casual, throw a handmade denim jacket over it and wear it with some sneakers, like Keds. I know my grandma would have loved this dress, so I have plans to wear it on her favorite holiday, Easter! 

Special thanks are due to my sewing friend Connie @alien.sewist who took photos of all of my looks. Only a true friend would put up with all of those wardrobe changes in bone-chilling spring weather! 

Thanks so much for reading all about my Spring Knit Capsule. I hope you're feeling inspired to head to the Fabric Mart website and add all of those gorgeous knits to your cart right away! Happy Spring Sewing! 

SHAINA   @shaina_sews 

Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following category KNITS & JERSEY KNITS.


  1. Beautiful makes shown off in a wonderful setting.

  2. Beautiful looks, and perfect fabric choices - color, pattern and even solid. The patterns are very appropriate for a wonderful spring wardrobe. Well done! Where did you take your photos? Looks like an ancient abbey!

    1. Aww thanks! The photos were taken in Lock Ridge Park in Alburtis, PA. It's a lovely setting, perfect for interesting photos!

  3. You look so lovely in your new wardrobe. Yes, your grandma would be so proud to see your new makes. Happy Easter.

  4. Soooo inspiring! You look lovely in your well made makes. Great work.

  5. Great job my dear.

  6. Love the blue dress. fits very nice. looks nice and airy


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