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Made By A Fabricista: Ilma Smock Dress

Hello friends.  My name is Byrd and I am a self-taught dopamine-loving curvy sewist.  I’m super excited to share my first Fabricista make.  This is the Named Clothing Company Ilma Smock Dress in a yummy Black/Pink/Emerald Retro Floral Print Challis.  The Ilma Smock Dress is a fun flirty off the shoulder dress with a wavy tiered hem and elasticized neckline.  There is also a top version.  Let’s get into the details.

Fabric choice is everything.  Fabric Mart’s Retro Floral Challis was perfect for the Ilma Dress.  The fabric is light, soft, smooth and has a gorgeous drape.  I immediately fell in love with the print.  The vibrant bright orange, pink, green and blue set against the black background will set you apart in any setting.  

The Ilma Smock Dress is officially rated as an intermediate pattern but there are no buttonholes of zippers.  I’d personally rate the pattern beginner advanced.  The instruction booklet is detailed with easy-to-follow diagrams.  The pattern is designed for a person 5’8”.  The pattern is not size-inclusive.  It goes up to a 54-inch hip.  There is quite a bit of ease built into the patter and it would be easy to grade up.  

I recommend washing and drying your fabric to address possible shrinkage.  The top and dress share the same pattern pieces.  Take caution when cutting out your preferred view (dress or top) to ensure you cut along the right lines.  I recommend tracing your pattern to preserve the original pattern pieces should you choose to cut the other view.  

My measurements are bust 42, waist 28 and hips 48.  I cut an XL.  You can choose a smaller size based on your preferred look and fit.  I am 5’3” and did not shorten the dress.  I like the length and airy look and feel.  The fit works perfectly for me.  The only modification I made was to add pockets.  I placed the pockets 9 inches below the under-arm seam.  Every garment needs pockets.

I love an off-shoulder dress.  The top of the Ilma dress features two rows of elastic creating a sort of faux shirred look.  I really like this feature.  The shoulders did not feel too night nor did they slip down.  The fit is spot on and comfortable.  After inserting the elastic, I recommend trying on your dress several times making adjustments as needed.  The sleeves are elasticized as well with just one casing of elastic.

For the gathers on the skirt portion of the dress, you can run two rows of basting stitches (usually this is your longest stitch length) or you can use a gathering foot.  

I also recommend serging, overlocking or using a zig-zag stitch on raw edges for a clean finish that won’t fray.

I styled my Ilma with bright pink spring sandals and multi-colored earrings from my trip last year to Kenya.  Depending on your desired vibe, you could make Ilma into a maxi or mini dress along with short sleeves.  Have fun sewing and styling your Ilma,  Fabric is key and Fabric Mart’s Rayon Challis makes for a great pairing.

What’s on your spring sewing list?  Thank you for reading!  

Happy Sewing,

BYRD  @yogabyrdsews

You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following categories: CHALLIS.


  1. Love your fun outfit!

  2. Your dress is beautiful and looks great on you!!! Yes to pockets, too!!!

    1. Thank you and pockets are a must 😊 - Byrd

  3. It's totally adorable and you provided great details! Awesome job as a fabricista, Byrd!

  4. You look darling! And, those pink sandals...great job!

    1. Thank you so much Kim - (Byrd)

  5. Absolutely stunning!!

  6. Looks like your dress has the perfect swish.


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