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Made by a Fabricista: Bohemian Summer

Just like that, the end of May is here!  How did the first five months of 2021 go by so quickly?  This time of year is the busiest for me, as I spend all of my free time in Spring setting up my garden so I can enjoy it all summer long. Summertime is also peak time for travel, but this year travel time will still be limited. So I’m trying to create a very laid back, carefree energy at home this year so we can enjoy and relax as much as possible-a total bohemian summer. My plan is that our summer will be filled with as much time outside as possible, eating al fresco, picnicking, painting and drawing and even napping in the garden! We will have a totally Bohemian Summer! 

Summers can be hot here and the only thing I really ever want to wear when the heat of summer sets in is a dress. A cool, breezy and airy dress, usually long and flowy, helps to keep me cool but still feeling dressed. So for my May Fabric Mart Fabricista make, I knew I wanted to make a maxi dress. 

As soon as I saw this gorgeous fabric on the website, I knew it would be perfect for the bohemian vibe that I love in summer dresses. This fabric is artsy, unconventional and a mix of this and that-perfect for boho style. To add to this spirit, I knew I wanted some patchwork and ruffle design elements with the dress I chose to make. So I grabbed McCall’s 7970 from my pattern collection and boy was this the perfect match. 

The fabric already has a patchwork printed design, featuring paisleys, geometrical and florals in soft yet vibrant colors. So layering on the patchwork design just enhances the effect even more. And the asymmetric tiers of ruffles add more visual interest, but are really super easy to create. 

I used the pattern as is, with one modification, opting to line the bodice instead of using the facing pieces. 

Overall, this pattern was easy and straight forward to assemble. If you know how to gather to make ruffles, you’ll be able to tackle this pattern. The dress pulls over your head and has elastic to cinch in the waist. 

I created view C, which is sleeveless and has the asymmetric ruffles and a detached belt.  This view required just under four yards of fabric, calling for two different fabrics.  But I used this one patchwork print for my dress. Because of the asymmetry, each panel for the skirt of the dress  is cut separately. So there are 10 rectangles of differing dimensions that are cut and assembled to create the skirt. Some are gathered and some are not. 

I really like the asymmetric ruffle detail as well as the front leg split. The shirt is full and twirly and very easy to walk in.  

And the faux wrap top bodice is flattering and feminine. 

I really love how this turned out and will be making a few more dresses using this pattern, as I have several gorgeous challis and crepe prints from Fabric Mart in my fabric stash that would be perfect to sew up in this design. So this dress is just the start to my Bohemian Summer dress collection! 

I hope you all are enjoying Spring (for those on this side of the hemisphere) and that you’ll take some time to sew up some relaxed yet gorgeous summer dresses!  Until next time. 

SHEREE   @shereesalchemy

Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following category: CHALLIS


  1. Beautiful make from a fabric I scrolled by. You had the vision to make this wonderful dress.

  2. What a great look wonderful

  3. Brilliant choice and beautiful on you! I have a pet peeve about today's women not choosing clothing that is flattering to their particular body type. Do we all want to wear pencil leg tight jeans & spike heels? Maybe, but do they look good on everyone? No, they don't. Yes, yes, we're all supposed to embrace our bodies as they are but I'm from a different generation and can still be honest about what looks good and what doesn't. When I was young I was tall and thin. Choosing clothes was super easy. Post thyroid removal and many years later, choices for what actually looks good and hides certain parts that have gotten larger is not so easy. This dress does it all, accentuates your curves with the high waist and cinch below the bustline, the drape of the fabric, busy print and tie around the elastic for that faux wrap look, draws the eye just where you want it too. Absolutely perfect!! And exactly the style I was looking for myself. Love your choice of pattern and fabric - style, class, comfort and design. You have wonderful taste and talent!

  4. What a super fun dress! I love the effect of the patchwork fabric.

  5. Just lovely! You look great, and comfortable, too. Very nice touch, lining the bodice.

  6. Very imaginative, just so well done, this dress looks great!


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