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Behind The Scenes: A Day In The Life of Our Customer Service Team

At Fabric Mart we pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service. If you call us during our normal business hours you will always be greeted by a live person! And most likely you will get the pleasure of speaking to Kari or Kelly. They truly are the best and will always go above and beyond and to answer your questions or make things right if there is a problem. Here's a chance to get to know them a little better. 

Kari is our general manager & she has worked at Fabric Mart for 9 years!
Kelly is our cutting room supervisor & she has worked at Fabric Mart for 10 years!

What is the first thing you do in the morning when you arrive at work? 

Kari: I print out all the orders that we received overnight and leave them for Lisa to put together. After that I go through the customer service email & voicemail.

Kelly: I turn on my computer, make coffee, and check my inbox for responses about problem orders from the day before so I can ship them out.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Kari: I love being able to make customers happy! Whether that's helping answer questions about fabrics or correcting an issue that may have occurred. It also makes me giggle when people are excited that I'm a real person answering the phone.

Kelly: My favorite part of my job is keeping everybody positive and motivated.  Also, when you have the perfect amount of fabric on a bolt for the order you are cutting.

What is the hardest part of your job?

Kari: Every now and then there is a customer that you can't make happy which can be frustrating. 

Kelly: The hardest part of my job is disappointing customers when I have to tell them that we didn't have quite enough of the fabric they wanted.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Kari: I enjoy hiking/being outdoors and spending time with family. My true love is anything food related whether it's cooking, baking, or just eating really, really good food!

Kelly: My favorite thing is snuggling up with my doggie and kitty to watch movies.

What is the last thing you do before you leave for the day?

Kari: I close out the cash register in our retail store, tidy up the coffee area & desk area and then lock the doors after all the customers and employees leave. 

Kelly: I count up how many orders we have shipped for the day and post it so everybody can see our hard work.


  1. Decades-long fan here…Thank you for sharing your day with us! FM sounds like a wonderful place to work. Y’all area great team, and I hope to see you in person at the retail store again soon.

  2. I'm grateful I found Fabric Mart to shop at.....


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