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Skirt Challenge Inspiration: A Skirt's Favorite Top!

When Julie first shared her idea of a summer Skirt Challenge I knew that I really wanted to participate, however a long, honest look into my closet revealed that, truthfully, I didn't need another skirt.  What really stood out to me was the lack of tops that I loved to wear with all my beautiful (mostly handmade) skirts.

This is where the Closet Case Patterns Nettie bodysuit enters the picture!  Knowing that I had plenty of skirts, I was curious to see how a few neutral bodysuits might fill out the gaps in my wardrobe.

I haven't worn a bodysuit since the 90's and I had several back in the day.  My favorite bodysuit was this awesome navy blue long sleeve suit with a white collar, button placket and fabulous over-sized cuffs!  I loved that thing!  I was sooooo excited to play with this bodysuit pattern and rediscover the versatility of the bodysuit.  So get ready for a Nettie/Skirt-apalooza!

First up is a black bodysuit made with this black rayon/spandex.  The fabric has good four way stretch and that is an absolute must for any garment that will be wrapped around your body both lengthwise and width wise.   

I was thrilled to discover that it pairs perfectly with two of the busiest print skirts in my closet. I love a busy print for a skirt but finding the perfect neutral shirt to pair it with has been a challenge in the past.

For my next bodysuit I used a JudyP Apparel knit.  Although this colorway is sold out you can find several others here.  I was very curious about how this fabric would behave, it's denser than the rayon/spandex I used on the black suit.  The resulting bodysuit is more snug than the others, it's just as comfortable, but sits closer to my body and almost has more of a shape wear feel.  I can tell that this fabric was made to be worn over and over, its a really nice quality fabric.

The smoothness of the fabric also helps the skirt sit so smoothly on my caboose too, I mention this because that's usually where my tucked in tops tend to bunch and aggravate me.

A few sewing and pattern details to consider...

The pattern is printed on tissue paper and includes a booklet of instructions.  Even if you are very new to sewing I think there are enough sewing details and thorough tips in the booklet to get you through this project.  And if you need even more details and photos there is a sew-along on the Closet Case blog. 

Maybe, like me, you are wondering just how difficult it is to sew a bodysuit.  If you have ever sewn a knit shirt you can handle this bodysuit.  It is not difficult at all and the only fiddly bit is the crotch closure.  

I must say that on the first try I used premade snap tape and I cannot recommend that method at all. It was pretty uncomfortable and I ended up ripping it out and using the other method which suggests using silk charmeuse and snaps.  

The included directions were a bit unclear on how to construct this snap closure (especially if you are very visual like me) so I referred to the coordinating sew-along on the Closet Case Patterns blog for clarity. 

The fit of the pattern was very good.  I have a little bit of a long torso, if you've ever tried on a one piece swimsuit and the straps seem to dig into your shoulders, I feel your pain because that's the length of torso I have as well.  I had absolutely no uncomfortable pulling with this suit, and only ended up taking the smallest wedge out of the center back of the pattern where I always have pooling fabric.

The neck band fit great and there was no gaping, however I will probably make the leg bands a little tighter next time since I noticed, while wearing them, that they felt a little loose.

My third bodysuit was made using a length I received in a craft bundle not long ago.  I believe it is a rayon/spandex which is very soft and so pretty.  I could not find it on the Fabric Mart site but this black and white rayon/spandex with a cute palm leaf print would work in a similar fashion.  I love a black and white print that acts like a neutral with a little something extra special.

I was so excited to show you just how many of my skirts worked so well with the bodysuits that I kept saying to my sweet photographer husband, "just one more skirt!"  He's an easy going guy, plus I think he had date nights on the mind with a few of these looks so he was happy to oblige all my skirt changing whims!

But in all seriousness I was really impressed with how many of my skirts now have a great top to pair up with.  I ended up rediscovering some neglected skirts and feel a new sense of excitement about wearing them.  If you are like me you probably want some sewing details on all the skirts, so I will post all of those details on my blog so as not to overwhelm this post.

I hope you enjoyed seeing how versatile the Nettie bodysuit is, and are feeling inspired to give a bodysuit a try or make a handmade skirt to enter into the sew-along.  There are some great gift certificates being given away.  All the details are posted here.

Thanks so much for reading and happy sewing!
I Sew, You Sew 

Share your me-made skirts thru May 31st and be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to Fabric Mart! Share on Facebook or Instagram using #sewcoolskirts. 


  1. Really love these Elizabeth! I've had the Nettie pattern forever but haven't yet made it, you've inspired me!

    1. Thank you Sue, I am so glad I could inspire you!! Its a fun pattern and truly does pair so well with skirts! Have fun creating!

  2. I have the Nettie pattern, a great bodysuit pattern and fit. I love how you styled each one with different skirts. Very nice!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Nettie bodysuits are fun to play around with and you know, from experience, how surprisingly well they fit!

  3. Your cute skirts with the Nettie bodysuits are just fun! I love how you mixed colors and my favorite is the black and white bodysuit with the yellow skirt.

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun to try out all the combinations, I have to give my husband a small award for patiently taking A LOT of pictures! :)

  4. Really nice summer clothing. Lovely bright colours to wear in the summer months.


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