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Made By A Fabricista: Date Night looks for Valentine's Day

Happy New Year!

I am excited to be back blogging in 2023 with Fabric Mart.  Over the past few weeks, I spent quite some time reflecting on what truly brings me joy and a personalized form of self-care. Sewing was on the top of the list and I truly enjoy making my own clothing.  During the winter break, I wanted to create some basic looks that I can jazz up for a wedding or rock on date night.  When I read Johanna’s  blogpost and came across the Vogue 1835 pattern that she made last month, I saw endless possibilities with the pattern.  I knew it was perfect to hack to make a mini, midi or maxi dress and a staple pattern to have.

My original plan with the lycra foil printed knit (here) fabric was to make a formal infinity wrap dress that I saw on instagram.  I will be attending a formal event later this month and felt it was perfect. Knowing that I would only wear the infinity wrap dress once or twice per year, I decided to make separates that I can dress up or down and maximize the wear. 

I used the Vogue top pattern and did not make any adjustments to the large. Unfortunately, the self drafted skirt did not turn out as expected.  While sewing the skirt a few pins on my sewing table damaged the fabric in several places.  Additionally, I noticed a line in the dead center and was not sure if that happened during pre-treatment.  I definitely plan to save it and make a cute top for my daughter.

For the rayon french terry red fabric, my original plan was to make a jogger set.  When the fabric arrived, I realized that it was light weight as I did not look at the fabric description on the site. The rayon lightweight blend is perfect for a maxi dress so  I decided to hack the pattern and make it instead.  I basically aligned the waistline with the Simplicity S8595 maxi dress pattern that I made before here.  There was no grading necessary and the waist lined up so perfectly.

The silhouette of the dress is perfect for a formal event, date night and I definitely plan to make it again using ponte knit from my stash. 

I am  absolutely satisfied with these pieces and even made another version of the bodice to create a jogger set using black ponte knit from Fabric Mart.  I shortened the length of the sleeve by 3 inches  and added a 2 inch band.  Additionally I shortened the bodice by 6 inches  and added a 3 inch band. 

I really enjoyed sewing all these pieces including two button down dresses  during the winter break and definitely plan to sew down my ponte knit stash this month.  For 2023, I have decided to set aside sewing time weekly for self care and  my scheduled sew day will be Thursday nights unless I have an urgent obligation.  Do you set a schedule day for self care that you commit to at least once a week? 

Thanks for stopping! Don't forget to stop by my Instagram page to check out my latest make. 

One Love,

MARICA  @heymaricamitchell

Unfortunately Fabric Mart Fabrics sell out quickly!
You can find similar fabrics by shopping the following categories KNITS & TERRY.


  1. Pattern hack queen. You made 3 outfits?!! I love them all. The dressed are so nice, but I love that jogger set.

  2. All of the pieces are great and versatile.

  3. I am glad you are back to blogging. I love all the pieces. I will definitely search for that pattern to have when I'm back to sewing.

  4. you look very stylish and happy as well.--Anne

  5. I love when you take a pattern and run with it. Seeing the possibilities and your creativity is always a treat.

  6. Love all three and especially the silver top!

  7. I love the vogue tops. I made 1. I am going to make more. I have a huge ponte stash.


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