I like a zip close pocket every now and then. And at first I was a bit skeptical about how to do such a thing. So I put my worries aside and searched the internet for some guidance and I finally found a combination that works for me. I would love to share it with you so you can make your own professional-looking pockets too! A few things you will need to begin: Zipper Ruler Disappearing ink marker or other marking tool Pins Iron Sharp Pointed Scissor and of course, your project. First measure the zipper you are planning to use. I used an eleven-inch zipper that was about 12 inches long. (Measure the whole tape!) From there I know that I have to make an 11" long slit by 1/2" high. I also know that my pocket has to be at least 12" wide. I typically add an inch to either side of the zipper tape to make it easier to sew around later. So I cut a 14" by 10" pocket for my 18" by 15" tote. You will need to