How many times have you gone on a fabric expedition and found a fabric you just NEED but you have no idea how much is necessary for this pattern you know you have but you left at home? Or perhaps you did remember your pattern but it was thrown into your purse and in a shabby condition once it retreated from inside the time capsle. All you need is: 5 1/2 in x 8 1/2 in binder 5 1/2 in x 8 1/2 in sheet protectors Stick-On Note Tabs Your Sewing Patterns Photo Copier Once you have your supplies you are ready to make your book. All you need to do is take your pattern and photo copy the front and back. Cut off the excess and insert the pages with the pattern sides facing out into your sheet protector. Now when you find that perfect fabric you can flip open your pattern book and know exactly how much fabric you will need to purchase. Yep, it's that simple! Now the hard part is remembering to put it in your purse! Fabric Mart trip, a