Hey there fabric lovers! You've seen my toddler, Cheeks, around here a few times, but I may not be as familiar. Well, I've got another little muffin in the hopper and I've got nothing to wear: and so I've been sewing up some maternity goodness! This dress is a great one: it's Simplicity 1469 , and is great for both mamas-to-be and mamas-to-new-babies because it has both belly room AND nursing access. Win-win! The Simplicity version is out-of-print now, but never fear: it was a reissue of Megan Nielsen's Amber dress and top . I swore when I received this fabric that I had specifically ordered it (I really thought it had the typical Fabric Mart order sticker on it), but I could not find any mention of it on my recent invoices. Since then I have sussed out that this magical panel ITY poly knit was part of a fabric bundle I'd received. Yes, I got something in a random bundle that I liked so much I was sure I'd ordered it . Thumbs up!