When perusing Fabric Mart's website for my next project, I knew I wanted to make something for the Arizona Renaissance Festival, but as a cosplayer, I couldn't resist making something something from an anime, and where those two worlds collide is with the show Arte, a girl doing all she can to pursue a career as an artist in Italian Renaissance. And when I found this green apple 100% linen, I knew I had to go for it! While I wanted to give a nod to the anime, I wanted something a little different from the animes design or something “historically accurate” and settled on “historically adequate” and drafted my own bodice pattern, originally intending for it to be laced at the side seams. And since I wasn't aiming for accuracy, I also added modern pockets to the side seams! The bodice changed when a friend reminded me that lacing side seams are a little more difficult on your own, so at the finish line of sewing, I sewed the side seams shut, and grabbed a piece of scrap to mak...
This video is the one where I forget everything. Okay that's an exaggeration, but I have a lot going on, with it being deadline seasons for the real job. I needed a simple project. So, making matching tunics for my partner and me plus block printing fits... right? My partner has been mentioning having matching garb for events for... well, since before we got together. It was an expectation for a relationship that I fully support. However, you are now warned that I didn't get this done on time to get photos of both of us. Sorry. Overall, the tunics turned out great. I am continuing to learn more about block printing and how to make that successful. So enjoy this little adventure in sewing with all of my normal chaos. Love, MARTY | @scrappypatterns (Feeling inspired? Shop Linen now.)