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Made by a Fabricista: Cool, Comfy, Slim Fit Pants

Happy Saturday All!
My summer break has officially come to an end and I am super excited to start a NEW school year.  I have been given the opportunity to teach 2 elective creative classes and yes, I plan to include sewing.  I am overjoyed about this new challenge and can't wait to share my passion for sewing with my students. Now let's get to the point!

When I came across this multi-color chili pepper red, lime green, cobalt challis fabric (100% rayon), my first choice was to create M7755 , an easy sew jumpsuit that I can wear this summer and on a Caribbean cruise in November.  I waited patiently for the pattern to go on sale but realized I accidentally bought the wrong size when I was ready to cut.  Has this ever happened to you?  I ended up using the fabric to create a cute slim fit pants which is perfect for this fabric.
The pattern used is Simplicity 1165, VIEW B (without the BACK pockets) which is a GREAT beginner pattern.  I am happy with the fit of version 2 and plan to make another soon including view D before summer is over.
I made a few tweaks to the pattern and with version 1, I tapered the legs from the size 18 to the 14 and did my normal crutch and full butt adjustments. With version 2 pictured here, I added an extra inch to the top of the front, back, and pocket pattern pieces to create a high waist as the pants waist falls below the belly button.
I did not create as many workpieces as planned this summer but I am happy with the few great pants I have made. I was able to add 2 crop pants including another challis pants I made after my June's post here post using the same pattern (Simplicity 8558), which I absolutely love.  Unfortunately, this print is no longer available but I am sure you will find a great print from the selection of challis available at Fabricmart.
 I have quite a few versatile pants/crop pants for back to school and can't wait to start my fall look next month.  I will be wrapping up a few summer makes over the next month and will start my early Fall pieces mid September.
How I rock it on the weekend!
I will definitely keep you updated on my new creative classes and if possible share a few of the projects that my students create. Also, don't forget to stop by my Instagram page to check out the summer makes. Thank you so much for reading and see you next month with my first early Fall make!

One Love,
Marica - Overdriveafter30


  1. Oh my gosh, Marcia! I adore your fabric choices! But those red pants are a revelation to me! I buy from Fabricmart all of the time, but avoid the large prints because when I see them draped over the "table", I envision the prints as HUGE. Now I can see that they actually are wearable! You have done me and Fabricmart a great service! Your pants (both of them) are stunning!

  2. Both outfits pictured are lovely, pattern choices, fabric, & sewing, of course! I love seeing sewing by young women and young women educators who can encourage future generations to carry on the joy of sewing. And when you make any error, as I tell my daughters, There is no error that you make that has not been made by me in 50+ years of sewing. It's how you think outside the box to meet those challenges that matter. Again, 2 thumbs up!

  3. In love with these pants! The fabric choice is perfect!


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