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Made by a Fabricista: A Project Of Firsts

Despite having a few overall patterns in my stash I've never sewn overalls before, but boy am I glad I finally did! I love this pairing!

Burda Style Pattern 6599 Overalls 

I've wanted a pair of overalls for a couple of years now and when I saw another sewist make a pair in corduroy and I was sold. I used Burda 6955 because I preferred the traditional button sides over the side zip of say MCalls 7547 (though I want to make those as well). I also considered Closet Case's Jenny overalls, but they lacked a back bib, which I also wanted (I do think I'll make these too as I love Closet Case patterns). 

After stalking Fabric Mart's corduroy section for a few weeks this moss green stretch corduroy was listed and I had to have it. Moss, camo, olive, sage-y greens really speak to me because I treat this as neutral and therefore can pair with so many colors. This corduroy has a fine wale and a nice stretch, I can't stop caressing it! At the time of my writing this post there is 1.5yds left! I certainly hope they get more in stock in other colors.

Speaking of caressing it, I should have done that before laying this fabric on my cutting table because then I likely would've cut the nap in the right direction. For those that may not know what nap is, it's the textured grain of the fabric. If you are familiar with velvet or corduroy then you know if you brush your hand across the fabric in one direction it's smooth, but if when you bring it back in the other direction it's "rough" that's the nap. Typically you want the nap to in the down direction (so that if you brush your hand down your pants leg or sleeve or front bodice it's smooth) well I did the reverse. SIGH! I was too far into the cutting to correct this error, thankfully it doesn't look different (some fabrics do) so I can get away with it but it will irk me every time I wear this. In short: BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR NAP!!

Burda patterns are notorious for not having the most complete instructions and this one was no exception. For an intermediate sewist who already has a good handle on constructing pants will have no trouble, but I could certainly see an advanced beginner getting frustrated. That said nothing about the process is particularly difficult. I did have to taper the leg quite a bit starting a few inches below the crotch for a more fitted look.

Any time you sew a new type of project you're likely to tackle a couple of new things, like attaching overall buckles or installing jean buttons. I definitely had some issues with the later. I bent or broke 4 out of 12 of the back screws.  If you look closely at the pictures, the bottom two buttons on both sides is missing. Soon I will make a trip to Joann to grab another pack of buttons and attach the final four. 

Adding special touches to my makes is probably 27% of why I sew. My custom labels are usually hidden inside my garments, but on these overalls I decided to display it on the back patch pocket. I also had some fun with the pocket lining and used some Ankara fabric from my stash.

Bodysuits are the perfect under layer for more tucking down a tank or a tee! View B of Simplicity 8513 is perfect because it has the look of a classic tee. I chose this maroon floral double brushed jersey for two reasons. 1) Brushed jersey is so soft, has great stretch and amazing recovery. I just want to make everything with it and 2) the colorway of this floral works so well with the green corduroy. This particular print is out of stock but there are several other options from florals to geometric prints here.

This was a breeze to sew, but I've made a few bodysuits in the last year. Again there really isn't anything too tricky, though a first timer may need to review the crotch finishing a few times for clarity.

See you next month,



  1. Wow, this is so cute!! I haven't worn "overalls" since high school. I love the olive green color and you've done a wonderful job on it. Looks great!!

  2. That's a great outfit! I think that we all have to make the mistake of running the nap the wrong way- at least I have. Well-done tackling all of those firsts!

  3. These makes look great on you. I love your color choices. Glad you had a chance to exercise your technique muscles a little bit.

    1. Thank you! I have since purchased more jeans no-sew buttons and the last three went on perfect! "Try, try again"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The color is gorgeous on you. Very nice job on putting them

  6. This moss is fantastic on you Tiffany! I'm laughing about the nap cutting error only because I've done it before. I made up a whole dress in stretch velvet and had no idea I had cut one half of the bodice the wrong way until I put it on, LOL--I was half-shiny! Ah, well, it's totally not obvious on yours and it's such a cute combo!

  7. Hi there,
    I think you did a awesome job on testing your nerves. To put together this outfit was probably a challenge however your combo of fabrics look .. so nice and it looks good on you. I am also stoked about the body suit because I have been looking for a pattern. Thank you ☺️ So keep believing in your abilities cause they build strong characters in you. And when you share it builds character in other newbees like me.


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